All are welcome, come join us!
8 AM – Holy Eucharist, Rite I, no music
8:45 AM – Fellowship – Parish Hall
9:30 AM – Sunday School
10:30 AM – Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with music
11:45 AM – Fellowship – Parish Hall
9:15 AM – Morning Prayer
9:15 AM – Morning Prayer
5:00 PM – Evening Prayer
12:15 PM – Public Service of Healing with Eucharist
9:15 AM – Morning Prayer
The Trinity Vestry is truly pleased to announce that through a very generous donation from the Minturn family, the Maree and Sterling Minturn Endowment is being established for Trinity by James and George Minturn. Mrs. Maree Minturn and her husband, S.B. Minturn, had three sons, Sterling, James, and George, and a daughter, Maree, affectionately known as Sissy. Maree was an active member of Trinity, and all the children grew up in the church where James and George served as acolytes. Sissy later became the wife of an Episcopal priest. Sterling was ordained as an Episcopal priest, and after a long career in the ministry, passed away in 2022. James and his wife, Cindy, live in Greensboro, North Carolina. George and his wife, Melody, live in Natchitoches, and are members of Trinity. George, an architect, has donated countless hours of his professional time to the church over the years, such as designing the handicap ramp, advising on the last roof replacement, and serving on the committee for the recent bell tower restoration.
In memory of their mother and brother, James and George Minturn are making an amazing gift to Trinity of $100,000. The Minturns want this money to help sustain Trinity for the long-term, and so the donation is given to support the general mission and ministry of the church. A special condition of the gift is that no more than a yearly 5% distribution of the endowment will be allowed, thereby helping to insure its longevity. Please join us in thanking God for this blessing, and the blessing of the Minturn family in the life of our church. We invite you to join the Minturns in helping to support the general mission and ministry of Trinity, as well as its long-term sustainability, by making your own donations to the Endowment. You may donate by check specified in the memo line, via PayPal (specify Minturn Endowment in message box) or contact the Administrative Office for more information.
The Trinity Vestry is continuing the project to honor families and loved ones, through donations to Trinity. With a $5,000 donation to the church, a wrought iron bench will be placed on the campus, with names of those you wish to memorialize. Three of the five benches have been reserved; there is still time to place a memorial bench. For more information on this project, contact the Administrative Office.
To make donations via PayPal, click on the link above,
or scan the QR code below with your mobile device: